Kenyu – June 2013

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Volume 27, number 6

June 2013


  1. Jul 6/12, PNKF Women’s Seminar, Sat/Fri, with Kendo Renshi 6th Dan Murayama Chinatsu
    Sensei five times All Japan Women’s Champion, at several locations.

  2. Jul 13, PNKF North American Women’s Kendo Tournament, Sat, Renton Community Center.
  3. Jul 19/21, 6th US Kendo Nito Seminar, Fri/Sun, Linfield College, Ted Wilson Gym, 900
    S.E. Baker Street, McMinnville, Oregon. Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan Fuji Ryoichi and Sasaki
    Hirotsugu will be returning to lead this year’s event. Schedule: Friday, July 19, 10:00 am –
    5:00 pm; Saturday, July 20, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, and Sayonara Dinner Party and Auction;
    Sunday, July 21, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

  4. Jul 20, PNKF Board, Sat, 3-5pm, Des Moines Library, 21620 11th Avenue S., Des Moines.
  5. Aug 10, PNKF Shinsa, Sat, Iaido 9am-12noon; Kendo 12:30-4pm, open
    keiko 4-5pm, Kent.

  6. Sep 13/14/15, Idaho Kendo Summer Camp and Kendo Shinkyu Shinsa (up to 1 Dan), Fri/Sat/Sun, Treasure Valley Community College Gymnasium, Ontario, Oregon.
  7. Sep 14, PNKF Board, Sat, 3-5pm, Renton.
  8. Sep 27/28/29, PNKF Iaido Seminar, Fri/Sat/Sun, with Iaido Kyoshi 8th Dan Noguchi Hideo, Iaido Kyoshi 7th Dan Aoki Shigehiro, and Iaido Kyoshi 7th Dan Suzuki Kaoru, Rain City Fencing Center, Bellevue. Fri, Sep 27, 5–7pm, Jodo Seminar;
    7-9pm Iaido Seminar; Sat, Sep 28, 9am-12noon Iaido Seminar;
    12noon– 1pm Lunch; 1–5pm Iaido Seminar; Sun, Sep 29, 9am–12noon Iaido Seminar; 12noon–1pm Lunch; 1–5pm Iaido Tournament.

  9. Oct 5, PNKF Shinpan Seminar, 12noon-4pm, open keiko 4-5pm, Kent.
    PNKF Shinpan Seminar
    1. Those participating in Shinpan seminar will break into 5 Groups.
    2. Each Group will rotate to the indicated position based on times. 35 minutes in each position.
        5 minutes to rotate to next position.
    3. All Shinpan Seminar participants will participate in Shiai.
    4. Matches will be 2 minutes with rotation every 2 matches.
        All those in group will continue to rotate in to Shinpan until time to rotate to next position.
    5. Hantei will be called if tied after 2 minutes.
    6. One Senior member (5 Dan or above) will be assigned to a group to advise group.
    7. Other Senior members will be assigned to Courts and advise Shinpan on Court.
    8. Those not participating as Shinpan will have Shiai on Court B.
    9. While in Position C and E, Senior member should review Shinpan performance, flag handling,
        Shinpan positioning, any other questions.
    10. PNKF Dojo need to encourage their members to participate in Other Shiai matches.
    Noon – 12:15
    Opening Rei and discussion
    12:15 – 12:20
    Form 5 groups (Line up by rank, count off 1 to 5)
    12:20 – 12:30
    Go to Positions & Group 3 put Bogu On
    Group Rotation
    Shinpan Court A
    Shinpan Court B
    Review & Bogu On
    Shiai Court A
    Bogu Off & Review
    12:30 – 1:05
    Group 1
    Group 2
    Group 3
    Group 4
    Group 5
    1:10 – 1:45
    Group 5
    Group 1
    Group 2
    Group 3
    Group 4
    1:50 – 2:25
    Group 4
    Group 5
    Group 1
    Group 2
    Group 3
    2:30 – 3:05
    Group 3
    Group 4
    Group 5
    Group 1
    Group 2
    3:10 – 3:45
    Group 2
    Group 3
    Group 4
    Group 5
    Group 1
    3:45 – 4:00
    Discussion – Wrap Up
    4:00 – 4:45
    Open Floor Keiko
    Position A
    Shinpan Court A
    Position B
    Shinpan Court B 
    Court A
    Court B
    Position C
    Review & Bogu On
    Position D
    Shiai Court A 
    Other Attendees Shiai –
    Youth Mudansha Yudansha 
    Position E
    Bogu Off & Review

  10. Oct 19, Tacoma Taikai, Sat, 10am-4pm, Washington High School, 12420
    Ainsworth Avenue South, Tacoma.

  11. Nov 2, PNKF Taikai, Sat, 9:30am, Kent.
  12. Nov 16, PNKF Board, Sat, 3-5pm, Des Moines Library, 21620 11th Avenue S., Des Moines.
  13. Nov 23, Kent Taikai, Sat, report time 9am, start 9:30am, Kent.


  1. Aug 24, 1st Annual Joint Vancouver/Renbu Kendo Seminar, Sat, 10am-4pm, followed by one hour Q&A, with
    Kendo Renshi 6th Dan Kawakami Arimitsu Sensei. Justice Institute of BC, New Westminster.


Rod Nobuto Omoto,
Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan, a major figure in the history of American Kendo, died peacefully on
June 1, 2013 at the age of 94. He famously always accentuated the positive in everything he did, unfailingly cheerful
and optimistic no matter what. Born eldest son of seven children September 9, 1918 in Wahiawa, Hawaii, the
happy-go-lucky Hawaii boy started Kendo at age 14 in 1932 with Miura Kenji, and was 2nd Dan when he graduated from
Leilehua High School in 1938. On recommendation of Miura Sensei, he was sent to Ogawa Kinnosuke’s own personal training
hall, Kodo Kan, in Kyoto, where he lived and waited on Ogawa Sensei while studying at Ritsumeikan, prior to entering
Budo Senmon Gakko. Omoto Sensei was to have graduated in Busen’s 31st class, but the school closed in 1942 and all the
teachers, students, and Omoto Sensei were drafted into the Japanese army. There he taught Kendo and Jukendo and
commanded a transportation unit as a second lieutenant in Hiroshima. By good luck he and his four-truck company were
out in the country the Monday morning when the atom bomb exploded. He served as translator for various Allied
occupation organizations, married Mutsuko Mildred Kawakami, and they had two daughters. For some years banned by the
Allied Powers, Kendo gradually rose back to the surface. For example, Omoto Sensei was active in the “Shinai Kyogi”
movement, a sportive version of Kendo practiced in western athletic clothes. In Matsue City Omoto Sensei encountered
the great Ono Soichiro, whose student, Mori Torao, is another legend of American Kendo. Other teachers in Omoto
Sensei’s Japan period include Miyazaki Mosaburo, Tsuzaki Kenkei, Sato Chuzo, Kurozumi Ryushiro, Wakabayashi Shinji,
Sato Toyonosuke, and Shido Taisuke. In 1960, the family moved to the US, where he earned his BS in Engineering at
Oregon State University in 1966. They moved to Tacoma, where Kendo was re-started at the Tacoma Buddhist Temple in 1967
as a Boy Scout activity, and continued from there. In 1972 he began helping the Kendo Club at UW to form, and also was
elected to the Board of the Kendo Federation of the USA. In 1973 he competed in the 2WKC at Los Angeles. In 1974/1975
he helped establish the Washington State Kendo Federation (now the PNKF) and was Founding Charter President. For a
Kendo demonstration at the 1974 Spokane World’s Fair he and Tanabe Sensei used shinken, as they had no habiki. Some of
Omoto Sensei’s classic sayings include: “In Kendo, you have to be wide awake.” “Don’t anticipate. Be cool.” “I want to
encourage, not discourage.” “Whoever holds a shinai is a friend of mine.” Our deepest condolences to his daughters
Charlotte Kazumi Omoto and Norma Miyuki Wakatsuki, grandson Ryan Wakatsuki, and many nieces and nephews.

John Prough,
known to many in the PNKF, died June 20, 2013 in New Jersey. Born in Detroit October 18, 1940,
all his life he pursued martial arts and ways and encouraged others to train, including Judo (1st Dan), Karate, Jodo,
Iaido (4th Dan; 5th Dan in Takeshi Mitsuzuka’s SanShinKai), and Naginata (3rd Dan), continuing steadfastly as declining
health finally overtook him. His wife Naginata Kyoshi and Iaido 4th Dan Sachiko Yamauchi Prough had passed on before
him January 5, 2012. Our condolences to his students and his daughter Susanna.

2013 ROSE CITY TAIKAI – June 1, 2013, Portland Community College Sylvania

Men's Senior Dan                    Juniors 13-15                      Men 3 Dan and Above
1st place - C. Marsten, Kent        1st place - K. McManus, Kent       1st place - R. Atagi, Idaho
2nd place - D. Yotsuuye, Bellevue   2nd place - J. DeJong, Highline    2nd place - W. Kuster, Spokane
3rd place - H. Fukumoto, Seattle    3rd place - D. Lee, Federal Way    3rd place - N. Takahashi, Spokane
3rd place - N. Ampo, Obukan         3rd place - T. Marsten, Kent       3rd place - S. Choi, Portland

Women's Division                    Men's 1-2 Kyu                      Men's 3 Kyu and Below
1st place - A. Kikkawa, UW          1st place - Y. Sandberg, Spokane   1st place - C. Ogier, UW
2nd place - Mary DeJong, Highline   2nd place - S. Richards, Cascade   2nd place - JY Lee, Obukan
3rd place - N. Grimes, Sno-King     3rd place - TP Lui, OSU            3rd place - K. Ho, Bellevue
3rd place - N. Tang, UW             3rd place - T. McManus, Kent       3rd place - Z. Neale, UW

Men's 1-2 Dan
1st place - S. DeNardi, Spokane
2nd place - JP Stroud, Idaho
3rd place - A. Sinclair, Spokane
3rd place - H. Christianson, UW

Junior Team
1st place - Team B (A.Kanemasu-Kent, K.McManus-Kent, T.Marsten-Kent)
2nd place - Team C (J.McLaury-Obu, D.Lee-FedWy, J.DeJong-High)
3rd place - Team A (K.Toyokawa-Tac, A. Yoshikawa-Tac, J. Wilson-Ida)

Senior Team
1st place - Spokane A (C.Ruiz, N.Takahashi, S.DeNardi, A.Sinclair, W.Kuster)
2nd place - Kent (I.Morgan, C.Marsten, J.Frazier-Day, S.Day, T.McManus)
3rd place - Obukan A (N.Holtorf, B.Stabley, A.Jantrania, M.Nakamura, J.Hancock)
3rd place - Spokane B (Y.Sandberg, A.Melton, M.Wolf, M.Nelson, W.Sinclair)

Shinpan-cho - Robert Stroud; Court A Judge - Curtis Marsten; Court B Judge - Moki Yoshikawa
Sportsmanship Pledge - Jessica McLaury
Jim Onchi Memorial Judo Demo - Obukan Judo Club

48th ANNUAL VANCOUVER KENDO TOURNAMENT – June 15, 2013, Byrne Creek Secondary School

9 Years and Under                   10 to 12 Years                     13 to 15 Years
1st place - N. Komukai, Vancouver   1st place - F. Lee, Renbu          1st place - L. Oka, Tozenji
2nd place - A. Lu, Vancouver        2nd place - A. Shimizu, Tozenji    2nd place - T. Okitsu, Tozenji
3rd place - MK Lee, Central         3rd place - A. Hayashi, U.Victoria 3rd place - K. Toyokawa, Tacoma
3rd place - K. Squance, Renbu       3rd place - B. Park, Bellevue      3rd place - R. Holzner, Tozenji

16 to 20 Years                      21 to 30 Years                     31 to 40 Years
1st place - T. Hamanaka, UBC        1st place - T. Kawanabe, Vancouver 1st place - S. Asaoka, Youshinkan
2nd place - T. Ichikawa, Bellevue   2nd place - L. Leung, Steveston    2nd place - M. Asaoka, Youshinkan
3rd place - A. Lee, Vancouver       3rd place - SJ Lee, Central        3rd place - N. Tanimura, Seattle
3rd place - K. Takeuchi, Youshinkan 3rd place - P. Son, Central        3rd place - J. Chien, Youshinkan

41 Years and Over                   Women
1st place - H. Hasegawa, Renfrew    1st place - A. Fukushima, Vancouver
2nd place - R. Kita, Renbu          2nd place - S. Suzuki, UBC
3rd place - Y. Komukai, Vancouver   3rd place - J. Kurahashi, Renbu
3rd place - C. Marsten, Kent        3rd place - A. Kikkawa, UW

Junior Team                            Senior Team
1st place - Tozenji (M.Fukuoka, L.Oka, N.Kono, T.Okitsu, R.Holzner)
2nd place - Kent (B.Park, N.Oda, K.Toyokawa, K.McManus, T.Marsten)

Senior Team
1st place - Youshinkan (J.Chien, A.Campbell, K.Takeuchi, A.Xie, S.Asaoka)
2nd place - Team BC (E.Kita, R.Murao, G.Mizutani, H.Song, S.Jung)

Fighting Spirit Awards 10-12 Years
H. Asaoka, Youshinkan and A. Hayashi, U.Victoria

LEEWARD OAHU KENDO TOURNAMENT – June 23, 2013, Mililani District Park Gym

Yonenbu 11 Years and Under           Shonenbu 12-14 Years                Seinenbu Open 15 Years and Over
1st place - G. Hayakawa, Aiea        1st place - D. Takenaka, Mililani   1st place - D. Corelli, Aiea
2nd place - S. Hashimoto, Wahiawa    2nd place - J. Park, Kenshikan      2nd place - K. Chun, Mililani
                                     3rd place - J. Matsumoto, Kenshikan 3rd place - A. Cheng, Myohoji
                                     3rd place - K. Hashimoto, Wahiawa   3rd place - C. Takenaka, Mililani

Women's Mudansha                     Women's Yudansha Open               Yudansha 1-2 Dan
1st place - Z. Yamamoto, Waipahu Sei 1st place - N. Yoshida, Mililani    1st place - S. DeNardi, Mililani
2nd place - G. Kishimoto, Myohoji    2nd place - R. Ono, Mililani        2nd place - K. Chun, Kenshikan
3rd place - J. O'Berry, Waipahu Sei  3rd place - E. Hill, Aiea           3rd place - J. Ernst, Kenshikan
3rd place - R. Hayashi, Kenkyukai    3rd place - A. Hayase, Mililani     3rd place - G. Komenaka, Wahiawa

Yudansha 3 Dan and Above             Yudansha Masters 3 Dan and Above
1st place - A. Fujimoto, Mililani    1st place - M. Koga, Myohoji
2nd place - B. Fukutomi, Aiea        2nd place - G. Matsumoto, Kenshikan
3rd place - S. Harris, Kenshikan     3rd place - K. Sato, Wahiawa
3rd place - C. Goodin, Aiea          3rd place - R. Miller, Waipahu Seibukan

Team                      Parents/Kids Team            James Oka Kantosho Fighting Spirit Award
1st place - Kenshikan     Parents - 3                  Orion Kishimoto, Myohoji
2nd place - Mililani      Kids    - 3 (Winners by Points taken)

14th US NAGINATA CHAMPIONSHIP – June 29, 2013, Renton Community Center

Dangai Engi                               Yudansha Engi
1st place - M. Reeve, D. Bernot, SCNF     1st place - C. Coppeans, B. Harrop, PNNF
2nd place - D. Trexler, A. Bernot, SCNF   2nd place - A. Rossi, J. Hernandez, SCNF
3rd place - K. Yoshikawa, S. Jensen, PNNF 3rd place - R. Ramirez, S. Lew, SCNF

Zen Nihon                                 Dangai Women                  Dangai Men
1st place - K. Schmucker, K. Higaki, PNNF 1st place - K. Heilman, GNYNF 1st place - D. Trexler, SCNF
2nd place - K. Saxton, A. Vyas, SCNF      2nd place - S. Jensen, PNNF   2nd place - A. Bernot, SCNF
3rd place - M. Arai, M. Nobida, NCNF      3rd place - N. Shamrell, PNNF 3rd place - M. Koenig, PNNF

Yudansha Men                              Yudansha Women
1st place - K. Roche, GNYNF               1st place - E. Engalla, GNYNF
2nd place - N. Sarpeshkar, GNYNF          2nd place - D. Figatnew, PNNF
3rd place - S. Corchado, GNYNF            3rd place - C. Coppeans, PNNF

Women's Team                                           Men's Team 
1st place - GNYNF (N.Sarpeshkar, K.Roche, S.Corchado)  1st place - PNNF (D.Figatner, B.Harrop, C.Coppeans)
2nd place - SCNF (J.Bernot, S.Lew, A.Vyas)             2nd place - NCNF (S.Ohshima, C.Goerzen, M.Nobida)
3rd place - PNNF (J.Hsieh, T.Monji, K.Higaki)          3rd place - SCNF (R.Ramirez, J.Hernandez, K.Saxton)
Kenyu – Monthly Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation

Kenyu Online –

Tom Bolling,
– 7318 23rd Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98115

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